
Celebrating the Beauty and the Challenge of Culture and Diversity

When Dr. Madeleine Leininger, nurse theorist and anthropologist, founded the specialized field of transcultural nursing decades ago, she envisioned nurses being prepared to deliver nursing care in a manner that is congruent with the cultural values, beliefs, and practices of patients and families. As diversity of cultures continues to grow within organizations among providers, patients, and families, it is important that transcultural concepts and principles are reflected among all healthcare disciplines.

Cultural, Ethnic, and Religious Reference Manual for Health Care Providers – Fifth Edition

JAMARDA Resources, Inc. brings you the fifth edition of the Cultural, Ethnic and Religious Reference Manual for Health Care Providers written for frontline health care providers by Janice D. Andrews, a registered nurse. Mrs. Andrews has been intimately involved for many years with the cultural challenges experienced by providers who strive to deliver quality patient care.

Because religious practices may also strongly impact care delivery, there are chapters specifically devoted to religious groups frequently encountered in healthcare settings. Administrators and managers in health care facilities, higher education institutions, and individuals and private practices will want this manual on all clinical units and ancillary departments. This book has also been a resource for new employee orientation, students, and hospice facilities. Additionally, this manual will help your facility meet accreditation standards and requirements, provide a quick reference for caregivers and therefore, increase client satisfaction with care.

Formatted to provide a quick overview for health care providers in busy practice environments, sections are organized to include critical points in care delivery related to:

  • Kinship/social relationships
  • Common practices related to death/dying
  • Patient teaching/dietary considerations
  • Religious representatives/core religious beliefs and practices
  • Extensive references for further reading
  • Background information about groups including common health risks
  • Common issues related to birth/children
  • Time perception influences
  • Common health beliefs and practices
  • Primary language and issues important to communication

Did You Know?

  • By 2030, all Baby Boomers will surpass the age of 65 with those persons over 65 outnumbering the number of children in the U.S. by 2034.
  • By 2030, population growth in the U.S. by natural increase (births over deaths) will be surpassed by immigration to the U.S.
  • The non-Hispanic White population is projected to shrink and no longer be the majority U.S. racial group by 2045.
  • The fastest growing populations are projected to be those of Two or More Races, followed by Asians and Hispanics.
  • By 2060, the U.S. population is expected to grow by 79 million people.

Join The Journey

Cultural competence is a journey with no end point. Providers must view competence as an evolving process as learning continues.

Explore learning opportunities related to diversity, transcultural principles of care delivery, and organizational competence.

Patient and family-centered care delivery that is truly individualized and culturally congruent to meet the beliefs, values, and practices of patients.

Phone: (877) 526-2732

Email: info@jamardaresources.com

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